384, "If this system is determined to have a legacy BIOS limitation (the full capacity of the new drive is not supported), Disk Manager can help with a small software boot driver called a Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO). This is a safe and time-proven technique that saves having to upgrade the BIOS chip on the motherboard. This option contains several choices that pertain to the management of the DDO."
385, "This option contains common tools that may be useful during the installation procedure. The most important tool copies all files from one drive partition to another. Other tools are used in troubleshooting."
386, "This option shows you the drive Model, Serial Number, Capacity, UDMA mode and much more! Jumper settings for Seagate and non-Seagate ATA interface drives are also available."
387, "Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO)"
388, "A \"Dynamic Drive Overlay\" or DDO is a device driver that enables systems to overcome the limitations of their system BIOS. Without a DDO, some systems could not translate your drive properly and therefore you could not access the full capacity of your drive. DDO will load each time that you boot your computer.\n\nBecause DDO will now be part of the boot process you need to be aware of the system boot requirements. See the \"Booting To Diskette or CD\" help topic for more information."
389, "Booting to Diskette or CD"
390, "If your hard disk drive was installed with Ontrack's Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO) you will need to follow the three steps below every time you want to boot from a diskette or CD. If you do not follow this procedure, your operating system (OS) will be unable to access the hard drive correctly.\n\n1) Remove the CD and/or the diskette from drive A:.\n2) Boot the system from the hard drive, press the SPACEBAR to boot to the diskette or press \"C\" for the CD-ROM as soon as the blue Ontrack banner appears.\n3) When prompted, insert either the CD or your boot diskette in drive A: and press the SPACEBAR.\n\nAs an alternative, if you want to boot to a diskette without going through the steps above, you can create an Ontrack Boot Diskette. This can be done by selecting the \"Create Ontrack Bootable Diskette\" option from the Maintenance Menu."
391, "\n\nNOTE: If you have just finished installing your boot drive, upon reboot, the Dynamic Drive Overlay will display a message requesting an operating system installation diskette or installation CD. You can boot to the hard drive by pressing ESC if system files have been copied to the hard drive. "
392, "Hard Drive Information"
393, "This page, accessed by selecting 'Hard Disk Information' from the main menu and choosing 'Display Technical Hard Drive Information', shows the data returned from an Identify Device command (supported by all current drives) issued to the selected drive.\n\nThe data is divided into IDE Information and Translation Information, each shown on a separate tab. The Drive Model and Serial Number are shown at the top of the page.\n\n\nThe IDE Information tab contains the following information:\n\nSize\n----\nLBA Sectors: The total number of user addressable sectors found on this drive, and the equivalent size.\nCHS: This is the translated Cylinder, Head, and Sector values, and drive size they represent."
394, "\n\nDMA\n----\nMW DMA Support: The MW DMA (Multi-Word Direct Memory Access) modes supported by this drive.\n\nMW DMA Active: The current MW DMA mode that is active.\n\nMW DMA Cycle Time: The cycle time, in nanoseconds recommended by the manufacturer for this drive.\nMin Cycle/Word: The minimum time in nanoseconds that this drive supports.\n\nUltraDMA Support: The Ultra DMA modes supported by this drive.\nUltraDMA Active: If the interface supports UDMA, the rate at which the drive is enabled.\n\nMisc\n----\nFirmware Rev.: The firmware revision of the drive.\n\nS.M.A.R.T. Support: Indicates whether the drive supports S.M.A.R.T. error monitoring and if it is currently enabled in the drive."
395, "\n\nATA-#: The ATA numbers shown indicate the AT Attachment standard that determine the physical, electrical, transport, and command protocols that this hard drive has been designed to comply with. The higher the number, typically the newer the drive and higher level of standards this drive supports. Values shown from ATA-2 to ATA-5 are accurate, ATA-6 and higher are based on flags reserved for ATA 6 and higher, but are unconfirmed at this time.\n\nR/W Multiple: \"YES\" indicates this drive supports Read/Write Multiple commands.\n\nSectors/Block: The maximum number of sectors per block for Read/Write Multiple commands."
396, "\n\nPIO Mode Support: The data transfer modes supported that are performed by the host processor utilizing PIO register accesses to the Data register and Not DMA.\n\nPIO Cycle Time: If the drive supports IOReady flow control this field shows the minimum transfer time using IOReady, or the minimum transfer time without flow control.\n\n\nThe Translation Information tab contains the following information:\n\nMBR Partition Table\n------------------\nThe MBR partition table shows, for the selected drive, the four partition table entries. For each partition table entry, the following information is displayed.\n\nType: The partition type. Type 4, 6 or E indicate FAT16, type 7 indicates NTFS, type B or C indicate FAT32, type 5 or F indicate an extended partition."
397, "\nBootable: Indicates if the partition is an active partition.\n\nBegin CHS: The CHS value of the beginning of the partition. For a primary partition, this is the location of the BPB. For an extended partition, this is the location of the extended MBR (XMBR).\n\nEnd CHS: The CHS value of the end of the partition.\n\nSize: The size of the partition in KB/MB/GB.\n\nTranslation\n----------\n\nThe Translation information shows the Cylinders, Heads and Sectors/Track information for the drive.\n"
398, "Hard Drive Information Options"
399, "The Hard Drive Information options can be used to display technical information about the hard drive and also view jumper settings from a wide range of hard drives.\n\nDisplay Technical Hard Drive Information\nThis option will display technical information about the hard drive that can be read from the hard drive itself. This includes information about the drive model number, current firmware revision, and serial number.\n\nView Hard Drive Jumper Settings\nUse this option to find the correct jumper settings for your hard drives for multiple configurations."